To connect to any facility printer, click on your start button and when you start to type, a search bar will appear. Enter


then press enter

If you get an error like this 

Please ensure you are connected to the corporate wi-fi and not the guest wi-fi. 

Also double check the spelling and try again. If still getting error send an email to

This will display all network printers available to install. Double click on the printer you want to install. Printer names start with their facility.

Arbor- Arbor Grace Guest Care Center

OAK- Oakmont Guest Care Center

HGC- Highlands Guest Care Center

LIN- Lincoln Nova Vital Recovery


  • OAK-MAIN is the main/front office printer at Oakmont Guest Care
  • HGC-FRONT is the main/front office printer at Highlands Guest Care
  • LIN-FRONT is the main/front office printer at Lincoln Nova Vital Recovery
  • Arbor-Reception is the front office printer at Arbor Grace Guest Care

After double clicking the printer you want to install, the prompt will show it is downloading the driver, then when complete will show a window like this. 

All done! If you would like to set this printer as your default, you can click on Printer at the top left of the window, then choose "Set as default printer"